
Unity Assets

NullSave Unity Assets are no longer available.

Seven years ago, I set out to make a game. It was small but required a bunch of tools and the asset store was much smaller back then. So as I created tools for myself, I placed them up on the store at very low prices. This would kick off six full years of creating updates, new products, countless hours of support, and several new friendships that I cherish.

Over the past 3 years, I suffered a lot of deaths in the family. All of them sudden, and entirely too young. The stress of that, a day job, providing for my family, continuing to update existing products and create new ones, while trying to get back to making my own game lead to a rather severe panic attack, followed rather unkindly by a fever and migraine.

While I never set out to be profitable with GDTK or the other offerings, I’m at a point in my life where I need to look at what’s important, and how I’m spending my time. Taking an honest look at things, if I said I made $1 an hour with this, I’d be wildly exaggerating.

And so, sadly, it’s time for goodbyes. I will continue to support all of you that have bought NullSave assets! I’m not going to leave anyone hanging.

I’m going to help my dear friend that I made with this endeavor finish his game, and I’m going to go back to working on mine. Maybe it’ll work. Maybe it won’t. But I have to try and do the thing I’m passionate about and find something new if that fails.

I’m grateful for all of you. For the chance you’ve given me and the faith you’ve put in my work. I hope all of you make your dreams come true!